Saturday, March 5, 2011

Getting to know each other...

Our team is in the beginning of our planning stages right now.  We have completed one team fundraiser (our garage sale was a HUGE success).  We don't really need to start planning our vacation bible school/sports camp for at least another month.  So in our most recent team meeting we decided to focus on getting to know each other.

We played "I've Never," where everyone in the circle gets a certain number of candies (in our case, 5 skittles).  You go around the group and say something that you've never done.  If anyone in the group has done that thing, they have to eat a piece of their candy.  The last person with candy wins.  It was tons of fun!

Then we did a quick round of 2 truths and a lie.  You say two things about you that are true and one that is a lie.  As a group, we try to guess what the lie is. 

It was great to just spend some time learning more about each other.  We are gearing up to spend a lot of time with one another and meeting was a great beginning for all the bonding to come. 

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